Creamy Asparagus Pea Soup
Use those in-season green veggies for this simple but flavor-packed soup!
I love this served alongside a roasted chicken for a simple dinner or leftovers for lunch! Make sure to get organic peas and grab ‘em frozen to make your life easy.
What you need:
1 yellow onion
12 oz organic frozen peas
1 bunch of asparagus
1 can full fat coconut milk
good handful of fresh mint
1 cup vegetable broth (can use water)
pinch of salt
coconut oil, olive oil for garnish
How you do it:
Chop and saute onion in a large pot with 1-2 tsp coconut oil on medium/high heat ~4-5 minutes
Wash and chop ends off of asparagus; chop roughly
Once onion is translucent, add frozen peas and asparagus with a splash or two of broth and cook until asparagus is just turning bright green (~5-6 minutes on medium/high)
Add 3/4 can coconut milk and the remaining broth or water and bring to just simmering/bubbling; allow to cook for an additional 5 -10
Add handful of fresh mint, salt to taste and blend immediately (don't let mint sit as it will brown as it heats up; use an immersion blender or a standard one-whatever you have!)
Add more liquid as needed until reaching creamy pureed consistency
Serve with a drizzle of olive oil (makes roughly 4 servings if using as an entree)
Tip: Store fresh mint in a jar filled with water in the fridge to boost shelf life; cover loosely with a ziploc or stasher bag as this will extend shelf life!