boston and austin based virtual dietitian and nutritionist sitting and smiling with mocktail in kitchen


Read the accounts of women who have been where you’re at, and have healed their gut.


I imagine you desire to…

Take an abundance mindset to food

  • “I feel much more empowered about my diet and making food choices that will support my gut. I really appreciated the one-on-one support and feel like I learned so much more than just nutrition. I am eating so many new foods that I had never tried before working with you.” — AV

Build resilience to life’s stressors and increase your energy

  • “I truly believe my body has been able to recover in record time, beautifully well, from the significant surgery I underwent, thanks to all the preparation work and subsequent life changing habits I have adopted, working with Meg. My work with Meg set me for success and I continue to see the fruits of that investment. I gained a well-being feeling, and more energy!” — AB

Learn tools that you can take with you for the long run

  • “Incorporating ‘mindfulness skills’ such as breathing and being aware into my eating routine. That coupled with a solid morning routine is something I am going to carry with me into the long run now that I know how interconnected our brain and gut are.” — JB

gluten free desserts by meg gerber

…it’s all possible!

how to glow gluten free recipes by registered dietitian and nutritionist

Gain trust in your body to feel well

  • “Meg has given me a sustainable toolkit that makes me feel confident and trusting of my body again!” — EH

Feel confident in your food and lifestyle choices

  • “I learned how much food affects your body in multiple areas has helped me realize that the choices you make with food don't just make your health better, but make your confidence better. My skin looks so much better than when I started and I'm not using any acne topical medications for the first time in awhile.” — AZ

Be told what to do / eAt / choose to feel your best

  • “I made adjustments to my meals with more protein, a focus on minerals, modest shifts in animal based food intake, and the  types of product I purchase.” — MH


praise from past clients