My Favorite No Sugar Snacks
To snack or not to snack? This question is usually an individualized answer but ALL of us can benefit from snacking more mindfully to support our gut health and metabolism.
What is snacking mindfully?
Honoring true hunger cues, taking the time to sit down, breathe and enjoy your snack by eating it slowly. Many of us snack on the go, standing up, or without any thought! In addition, grazing on food throughout the day can often cause more bloating and gut distress; do your best to have set meal and snack times instead. This allows your gut some “off duty” time where it is allowed to rest and recover-shoot for around 2-3 hours of rest between eating.
What are currently some of my favorite snacks to eat mindfully?
Check ‘em out:
Grain Free Chips, jicama & guacamole
Raw veggie sticks & Primal Kitchen’s avocado oil ranch
Wild Zora grass fed jerky bars
Sprouted pumpkin seeds & kiwis
PS all snacks above are Gluten Free, Dairy Free, Grain Free and IBS-friendly (lower in FODMAPs, free of refined sugars). Enjoy!